“I am incredibly thankful to have been born and raised in ND. I want to help make sure the next generation, including my own children, experience all ND has to offer by giving back to the state that has helped shape me into the husband, father, friend, and business owner I am today.
Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a bit. I was born in Valley City, ND and graduated high school from Fargo North. I have a Bachelors degree from the University of North Dakota and currently reside in district 27 with my wife and three daughters.
I have been in the technology field for the last 25 years. Our team focuses on mobile and web development here in Fargo with customers all across the country.
I’ve learned so much from my parents. My mother taught at Valley City State for many years and taught me to embrace my creativity, which comes in handy when drawing cartoons for my daughters. My father spent a lot of time out west as can be seen in his paintings of the badlands and North Dakota life. His faith taught me to believe in something bigger and to appreciate and value my relationships with family and friends.
I take great pride in my family’s history of service to their communities. Both of my Grandparents served in the U.S. Military, one of whom was active in the Pacific theater and the other in Europe. My maternal Grandfather was also a business owner and highly involved within his local community of Devils Lake as well as local and state politics. One of his favorite accolades was given to him by Governor Arthur A. Link when he was awarded the station of Commodore of the North Dakota (mythical) Navy for his work on Garrison Diversion. He was also Director of the Economic Development Commission for the state of North Dakota under Governor George Sinner.
Their selfless service has made me want to help shape the future for my children and my state. I look forward to getting to know each of you and representing you in Bismarck.